
Part #2

After both forces deployed to face their opponents, the Koralons stormed forward just to get outflanked by a Tactical Androsynth Squad wich managed to enter in the flank of the Koralon battle line. The devastating Plasma Cannon whiped out a whole squad of brood, before the broodmaster got into close combat with the Androsynths. The Marines in the outpost opened fire and the mounted weapon teams managed to kill another squad of brood.

 Not very impressed by human weapons, the Koralons marched forward. They knew that their reinforcement will soon arrive...

After taking many casualties (The Hydra exploded in a big "Baaaang"), some survivers of Brood and Larvan Squads managed to reach the walls. But the Syntha allies were just waiting for the astro bastards...

As the Koralon Commanders recogniced this thread, they remembered the Phazon Powers and teleported the Hydra and a Squad of Larvans in front of the Human forces. The other Larvans got into the outpost by the flank...

  The Neutron Staff cracked the human defence line, so the Broodmaster could enter the fortress. Challanged by Trask, he charged in, survived Trasks Vibro Scythes and killed Trask. The small little alien was consumed by the big Koralon warrior...



As this was the first test, we think some rules have to be changed. First, the Marines in the outpost have to get a 5+ or 6+ cover save which could not be modified by armour piercing weapons. Second, it should be more difficult for the Koralons to enter the Outpost. We thought about waiting one turn in front of the walls to climb into the building. Also we have to paint more Koralons, to get a real swarm... Always remember, it has to look impressive, don`t take the Squad cohesion too serious. Sometimes it is difficult to organise the squads in the outpost due to space. 
Comments are welcome... 

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